Monday 28 April 2014

Not All Salespeople Are Liars!!!

Over the past three months I have gone through some seriously pressurising, stressful and painful challenges. This has been around the setting up of the new business license for my organisation in Dubai. Now the process requires a lot of paper work and requires numerous governmental approvals. The toughest and most crucial part of this setup is getting the right business setup (formation) company to assist you.

Dubai has many organisations who help you with this but till date the numerous ones I have interacted with have proven to be pathetic in their service apart from one. Service in terms of unclear/unaware of governmental processes, overly priced, terrible communication skills and much more. 

Some of them are terrible in their sales process. Many of them are simply awesome at selling but these organisations fail in delivering a service they promised, they simply lie and deceive in order for you to use their services.

Yes these deceiving people and companies have mastered the art of:
  • Knowing their USP (Unique Selling Point/Proposition)
  • Comprehend the BAF (Benefits, Advantages, Features) of their offerings
  • Pay a close attention to UPB (Unique Perceived Benefit) of the customer
  • Carrying out RAP (Research, Analysis, Planning) about the customer
  • Communication skills (verbal, non-verbal, written) are good
  • Listening and questioning the customer
  • Connecting with the customer forming rapport and trust
They provide the perfect act of a service mind-set during the initial process but they fail miserably in delivering the service promised. After the dotted line is signed and the money is handed over they simply lose interest. Now you face some of the following:
  • Pay no attention in carrying out your work
  • No longer value your time
  • Ignore your correspondence and phone calls
  • Provide lame excuses in not carrying out the work
  • Demand of unnecessary extra payment
  • Hide information that could cause legal issues for you
  • Give you unnecessary stress
I am sure you could add many more to the list. In all this has an extreme negative impact on your health, relationships, business and financial status. You simply are a monetary transaction to them and the element of service is non-existent.This is when you strongly go back to the belief of salespeople are liars. It is no wonder incidents like this make you look at all salespeople as liars, never to be trusted and always on the edge when one of them approaches you. 
The whole game changed when I met Jennifer Hall from OryxWorld Business Centre. Her non selling approach helped me where the other business setup companies had failed miserably. Rather than sell to me she provided a solution and helped me completely through out the process with ease and comfort. Instead of thinking of the customer in terms of Always Be Closing (ABC) she focused on Always BeCreating Value (ABCV).

As a salesperson you have only one objective and that is to have a service mind-set. You are there to help, serve, assist and guide the customer to a solution that will fulfil their needs and wherever possible their wants. Jennifer Hall and her team are an example of Soul BasedService Excellence.

Thank you Jennifer Hall, Toni Aninon, Usman Ahmed and the rest of Oryx World Business Centre for your great support and assistance.

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