Monday 28 April 2014

Pass Through Your Fears

“Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose.”

The above is a quote of  Master Yoda from Star Wars. He may have been a fictional character but the words he uttered are what we read in the great books from across the world. 

Our fear can be our greatest enemy or when we befriend it we can use it to redirect our path for our good.  We have to learn to manage this emotional state for the good of ourselves and others.

Once again in the above quote, Master Yoda, in his simple language teaches us the danger of walking on the path of fear and not learning befriend this emotional state is disastrous.

We all know the dangers of allowing fear to control our life. Most people have experienced and many are still living in fear believing that this is the true reality.

Learn to accept your fear in order to pass through them. Click here to contact In Learning to attend a workshop on "Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway®.

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