Monday, 8 April 2013

Life is like a Game of Poker

So, Mysterious, Mischievous & Wonderful Stranger I was in deep thoughts when I came across a metaphor of life from Pastor RickWarren stating life is like a game of poker.

A poker hand consists of five cards and for those who play the game they know the highs and lows. Life deals us cards, you only find out what those cards are when you get them. For some of you the cards are pretty damn good and for the others they could be awful. Yet the only choice you have is to play this game of life.

So, let’s look at these five cards we are dealt with: 
  1. The card of Biology & Chemistry - You were given a body and you have to live with it. You could have some disabilities such no legs, no arms, no sight or even no sense of hearing yet you have to live with it. And as you grow up and awareness sets in, you make a choice to live a healthy life or an unhealthy life.
  2. The card of Relationships - You were born and certain relationships were already formed for you (parents, siblings, uncle and aunts i.e. relationships). And as you grow up and awareness sets in, you make a choice to have the friends, lovers or enemies you wish and want.
  3. The card of Circumstances - You were born into certain circumstances. You could have been born into a poor family, have minimum access to resources such as education and medical care or even have abusive elders. And as you grow up and awareness sets in, you make a choice to change or create your circumstances or stay within those circumstances.
  4. The card of Awareness - You were born and you had some form of consciousness. With age, education and experience this consciousness or awareness changed. And as you grow up and awareness sets in, you make a choice to do what you believe is right.
  5. The card of Choices - You were born and at each stage of your life you were given or led into certain choices. And as you grow up and awareness sets in, you make a choice to live a loving life or fearful life.
It is said that your beliefs and values play a great part in the choices you make. These beliefs and values you learn from your parents, elders, family, schooling, friends and society. You find it difficult to understand why you made some strange and painful choices; it was as if your thoughts strongly believed that the steps you took were the only actions that would allow you get to your outcomes.

It is amazing how thoughts play a magical role in the creation and development of your life. For some these thoughts are simply a curse. Look at your thoughts and remember “thoughts
become things”.

What thought will you choose next to play the game of life?

The above  points have been inspired and modified Oprah and Pastor Rick Warren: Winning the Hand You're Dealt

1 comment:

  1. Love is like a game of 5 card poker.......In the beginning all you want is 2 Hearts and a Diamond.........but in the end you would settle for a Club and a Spade.............Who said this ?
